3.6.12 Torque. The transmitter shall develop a torque in the indicator of no less than 2,000
milligram millimeters per degree of angular displacement from synchronous operation in
the range of -20° to 20° of angular displacement.
3.6.13 Sealing (hermetically sealed transmitters only). The case leakage of the transmitter
shall be no greater than 0.10 micron cubic foot per hour when the filling medium is nitrogen
and helium, and no greater than 1.0 micron cubic foot per hour when the medium is 100%
3.6.14 Scale error. The transmitter shall have a scale error as required in the acquisition
3.6.15 Friction error. The transmitter shall have a friction error as required in the
acquisition document.
3.6.16 Electrical zero. With R2 connected to S2, and 26Vac, 400Hz electrical power
applied to R1 and R2, the transmitter shall meet the following requirements:
a. The voltage between S1 and S3 (S3S1) shall be at minimum, shall be in phase
with rotor voltage E (R2R1), and shall remain approximately in phase as the rotor is
turned counterclockwise through an angle not exceeding 180° from electrical zero.
b. The voltage between R1 and S3 shall be at a minimum null and shall reach the
minimum when the rotor is turned clockwise 30° from electrical zero.
c. Clockwise rotation of the rotor, not exceeding 30° from electrical zero, shall
cause an increase in voltage between S3 and S2 and a decrease in voltage between
S2 and S1.
3.6.17 Damping. The damping of the transmitter shall be as required in the acquisition
3.6.18 Electrical characteristics. Open secondary. The current drawn by one self-synchronous motor shall not
exceed 240 milliamperes with the secondaries (stator) open-circuited. Power input. The transmitter power consumption shall not exceed 6.24 Volt-
Amperes. Secondary voltage. The maximum open-circuit voltage measured between any
two secondary leads shall be 11.8 ± 0.3Vac. The variation between the three maximum
secondary voltages on any one synchro shall not exceed 0.2Vac. Synchro type. The transmitter shall have electrical characteristics compatible with
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